Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
Is self-publishing worth it
Every year, millions of books are published all over the world – and a large percentage of those are...
What is flash fiction
As its name suggests, flash fiction is short, compact and impactful in a way that is a bit akin to a...
systematic review of the literature
If you’ve ever tried to look into all the research that’s been conducted on a specific matter, you may...

Recent Articles

Is self-publishing worth it
Every year, millions of books are published all over the world – and a large percentage of those are self-published fiction stories, guides, memoirs, and more. With the rise of KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) in recent years, the number of self-published books has skyrocketed since its launch in 2007,...
What is flash fiction
As its name suggests, flash fiction is short, compact and impactful in a way that is a bit akin to a lightning strike. In other words: less is more. While it takes some skill and style to master this genre, it’s a perfect format for busy readers or writers that want a quick creative burst. What is flash...
systematic review of the literature
If you’ve ever tried to look into all the research that’s been conducted on a specific matter, you may have come across a systematic literature review (SLR). A systematic review of the literature is a type of review that aims to collect and summarize all studies relating to a certain topic in order to...
fantasy elements
What makes fantasy so very bewitching? And which essential fantasy elements should you include in your writing if you want to craft a complex magical world? Let’s jump right in.
writing a novel
The number of ways to write a novel is limitless. In fact, it can be argued that there are no wrong ways to write a novel. Some writers are “planners” and outline their novels from chapter to chapter, scene by scene. Other writers are “pantsers” and write “by the seat of their pants”—or, more literally,...
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